Re: Partimage: Would it be possible to add EXT4 support..?? (Wheezy x64)
- To:
- Subject: Re: Partimage: Would it be possible to add EXT4 support..?? (Wheezy x64)
- From: Hugo Vanwoerkom <>
- Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2013 18:28:09 -0600
- Message-id: <[🔎] kjakac$831$>
- In-reply-to: <>
- References: <> <20130330141918.GA22495@tal> <> <> <> <kj7q2t$apn$> <> <kj80u1$1on$> <> <kj9dam$n0j$> <>
DutchGlory wrote:
OK thank you, i will try this..
For sake of completeness, this what I have in /etc/mindi/mindi.conf:
# Example of mindi configuration file
# $Id$
# FORCE_MODS="crc_ccitt crc_ccitt"
# EXTRA_SPACE=80152 # increase if you run out of ramdisk space
# BOOT_SIZE=32768 # size of the boot disk
# MINDI_ADDITIONAL_BOOT_PARAMS="devfs=nomount noresume selinux=0
barrier=off udevtimeout=10 acpi=off"
FORCE_MODS="hid_generic hid-generic"
and this is what I have in /etc/mindi/deplist.txt:
# $Id: deplist.txt 2409 2009-09-18 13:25:35Z bruno $
# NB:
# 1. Directories are allowed. Their contents will be included by Mindi.
# 2. If you put 'libncurses' (w/o quotation marks) on an uncommented
line then
# Mindi will find /lib/libncurses* and include all matching files.
# 3. You recommend that you give an absolute path name
# 4. If you want to add something, just add it on its own line. K.I.S.S.
# 5. You must _not_ put a semicolon & comment after an entry. e.g. 'foo;
#------------------------- STUFF ADDED BY THE USER
#---vvvv vvvv vvvv list your stuff here! vvvv vvvv vvvv
#---^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ list your stuff here! ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^
so that you can use blkid and nano when you boot the CD/DVD.
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