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Re: vlans

On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 02:27:13PM +0000, Bonno Bloksma wrote:
> Hi,
> I am going to implement vlans on my Linux router. Have been reading about this about from when Squeeze was released and was ready to take the plunge today when I read this: http://wiki.defcon.no/guides/debian/vlan
> Seems the documentation I had found so far is about to be outdated.
> What I do NOT want is to have names like eth0.60 for vlan.60 incoming on interface eth0. Because if I decide it would be better to have vlan60 come in on eth1 I would have to rename all (firewall, etc.) scripts that refer to that name.
> What I would like to have is names like eth0, eth1, eth2, vlan-staff, vlan-internet, etc.
> Reading the wiki article it seems that configuring vlans is done after the startup sequence is pretty much done and somewhere in rc.local as it seems I have to issue a modprobe 8021q first. Only then can I use 'ip link add ..' to add the vlan interfaces.
> But... That is way too late in the startup as it means all kinds of services that need networking to work have to wait until rc.local is being processed.
> I am looking for a way to do all this with maybe udev via /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and the /etc/network/interfaces file
> That way all will be running as soon as networking is up and anything after that can run too. I use those two now to make sure all is up-and-running in time for the rest to do their work.
> Or.... is there a better way?

OK. You're asking "How do I name my interface vlan60 rather than
eth0.60"? I see two ways: Use a bridge device and have br0.60 (that way
the .60 packets^Wframes can come in on any physical interface) or see if
ifrename will do waht you need.

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