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Re: I wish to advocate linux

Le Mer 27 février 2013 1:05, Shane Johnson a écrit :
> There is also another perspective here, Google and Mozilla are providing
> a option for those that don't want to bother with loading, installing, and
>  maintaining an OS.  Chromebooks and the like might make all OS's for the
> enthusiast.
> Shane

I will trust that an OS without need of maintenance can exists when I'll
see it.

Just remember that simply adding softwares *is* a maintenance task. When
you add softwares, you have to manage if they can start themselves with
your session's start, you have to manage the space they use (or will
Google give you thousands of TB for nothing? I do not think so...) et

Those systems will still need to boot, and load, too. They are simply 2
other systems, nothing more, nothing less.

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