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Moving Chromebook from Ubuntu Precise to Debian Squeeze (and eventually Wheezy)

Hi, all.  I possess an ARM Chromebook, and was not smart enough to get
Debian onto it using instructions from the Web, but I found I could follow
the Ubuntu-based instructions, and I successfully installed Ubuntu 12.04 for
ARM on a 64GB SDXC card.    

Is there a decent way to leverage Ubuntu over to Debian?  Alternatively, has
anyone successfully run Debian on an ARM Chromebook, and is willing to help

I have a Samsung XE303C12.

Getting root is trivial. Get it into developer mode, and Babette is your
auntie.  However, I am not good enough with non-PC hardware.  You can
replace the ChromeOS, set it up for dual-boot, or boot from USB (SD
card);the last is also trivial.  

Any advice?

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