Re: What happens when you upgrade a package with modified config files?
On Wednesday 23 January 2013 16:58:52 Karl E. Jorgensen wrote:
> > But I cannot push this further all by myself.
> Poke the individual Debian maintainers - they're smart people :-)
They are also busy people. They will be more likely to move if *their* users
are complaining ;-) , or even better, helping.
> > [1]
> Yes - unfortunately the formats of configuration files vary (wildly)
> between different software packages, so I doubt that a
> one-size-fits-all solution is viable. Perhaps Config::Model should
> use a plugin-structure for different config file formats?
It's already a pluging structure: to support foobar style format, you'd have
to write a Config::Model::Backend::FooBar class. See for instance the OpenSsh
backend [1]
> I've seen other debian packages migrate config files (cannot remember
> which ones off the top of my head), and in those cases the
> installation explicitly asked for permission to rewrite the config
> file [1].
I think that could be arranged either in the postinst snippet injected by
dh_config_model_upgrade or by a specific cme option (or both).
> This still leaves the problem with non-trivial upgrades, e.g. where
> nearly everything has been refactored between versions, and no
> sensible defaults are possible for (some) configuration variables in
> the new version. So a 100% automatic migration is probably not
> possible. 99% may be possible though. It depends.
All the best
-- -o- -o- irc: dod at
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