Re: Best recommendations for posting anonymously?? Looking for pointers
On 01/12/2013 11:02 AM, wrote:
> Le 11.01.2013 23:27, Engineering Safety Organization a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> Does anyone have any great suggestions for how to best
>> post
>> anonymously to web sites and how to create web sites and web
>> servers
>> to allow participants a reasonable expectation of anonymity so
>> that
>> they can freely post their concerns?
>> There is a pro-regulation website,, on
>> which
>> I would like to add directions describing how best to post
>> anonymously
>> for end users. I would like US govt regulators to be able to
>> comment
>> about the problems and corruption they encounter at their jobs
>> without
>> fear of retaliation, but I am not sure how best to set-up a site
>> which
>> could provide this service. The hope would be to coordinate a
>> bright
>> light on the current regulatory problems to help speed up the
>> process
>> of regulatory reform through safe public discourse.
>> Have any other site already successfully achieved this result?
>> Help and feedback are appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Engsafety
> I think Tor ( and
> freenet ( are some interesting
> starting points.
Also, the following site might be just what you're looking for -- at
least in the way of examples:
Maybe your group could set up a user list there?
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