Re (3): Percentage noted by network manager.
Darac & others,
From: Darac Marjal <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2013 16:14:59 +0000
> I was rather meaning how much the signal is attenuated between the
> sender and receiver.
My hypothesis. ...
For the receiver to know the attenuation from the tranmitter, the
header of each frame would have to contain a number representing the
transmitted power. Than assuming the receiver knows the received
power, it can calculate power attenuation. Of course, received power
is not necessarily received information. In there is no mention of
transmitted power. I suppose it might be hidden in a lower layer
but probably this information and calculation just do not exist.
The header has a frame check sequence and retransmission of a corrupted
frame can occur. So the receiver can know how many bad copies
arrived before a good copy. That might be incorporated into the
signal quality calculation.
> However, doing a quick bit of searching suggests that the whole "link
> quality as a percentage" thing is more like voodoo: ...
That was my suspicion. Thanks for the references.
Regards, ... Peter E.
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