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Re (2): Percentage noted by network manager.

From:	Darac Marjal <mailinglist@darac.org.uk>
Date:	Thu, 03 Jan 2013 19:07:38 +0000
> This being a Wireless connection, it's more likely to be signal
> strength.

My original thought also.

> ... no attenuation = 100% ...

I don't understand.  Any received signal which is too weak to 
saturate the receiver should not need attenuation.  Every such 
signal is marked as 100%?  Whereas any signal which saturates 
the receiver will be attenuated.  Such signal is marked as less 
than 100%?  Seems counter intuitive.

> Don't expect to see either [0% or 100%] value as a result.

The 100% annotation appears frequently.  Sometimes a smaller 
percentage can be raised by moving closer to the access point.  
I don't recall ever seeing a percentage less than about 35.

Appears this is another instance where the best documentation 
is the source code.  Thanks for the interest and discussion,

              ... Peter E.

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