[Please don't top post: http://catb.org/jargon/html/T/top-post.html]
[ fixed up as best I could.]
On Tue, Jan 08, 2013 at 06:02:39PM +0000, Sharon Kimble wrote:
> > On 8 January 2013 15:06, Chris Bannister <cbannister@slingshot.co.nz>wrote:
> >> On Tue, Jan 08, 2013 at 02:16:07PM +0000, Sharon Kimble wrote:
> >> > Jan 08 13:46 : output: Failed to open "MPD ALSA" [alsa]: Failed to open
> >> > ALSA device "default": Connection refused
> >> > Jan 08 13:46 : player_thread: problems opening audio device while
> >> playing "
> >> >
> >> http://bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net/stream/bbcmedia_lc1_radio4extra_p?s=1357642801&e=1357657201&h=88c04b2945d4c29c3f3cb0b2e095ea50
> >> > "
> >> >
> >> > I am using 'ncmpcpp' as my client which has worked well in the past, but
> >> > this time alsa isn't cooperating and it plain doesn't work!
> >> >
> >> > Can anyone help me in getting my mpd/ncmpcpp to work with alsa please?
> >>
> >> Can you play a local file, OK? I mean like
> >> "aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav"
> >> "aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Right.wav"
> Thanks for this, but "Yes" to both. I do have sound, I've just watched^^^^^^^^ :)
> a
> video in 'Movie Player' with good sound, its just it doesn't seem to
> happen
> in mpd/ncmpcpp, and I really miss my steaming radio on mpd. :(
As I have no experience with mpd (yet) I don't know what may be causing
this, but ...
* Can you play local files with mpd/ncmpcpp?
* Can you play streaming radio on mpd from another url?
* Is it only the mpd/ncmpcpp combination, IOW, what about trying another
I put into Google:
mpd streaming radio "permission denied"
and got back quite a few hits - maybe one of those will help?
Web Results 1 - 10 of about 26,000 for mpd streaming radio "permission denied". (0.35 seconds)
P.S. Probably not a good idea to use 'steaming radio' as a search term. :-D
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