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Re: ISO downloads are corrupted

On Sun, 2013-01-06 at 12:54 -0200, Markos wrote:
> Dear,
> I made several attempts to download the CD1 and CD2
> debian-6.0.6-i386-CD-1.iso and debian-6.0.6-i386-CD-2.iso but in all 4
> attempts the file presented problems in md5sum check.
> I used Ex: 
> wget -nc
> ftp://debian.las.ic.unicamp.br/debian-cd/6.0.6/i386/iso-cd/debian-6.0.6-i386-CD-2.iso
> Is there any other alternative to download these images with lower risk
> of corrupting the file during download?
> Thanks,
> Markos

Hello Markos,
jigdo or torrents should better as I think they check the data after

I've been using jigdo for months with no problems

Dick T


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