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Re: Installation

On Sun, 16 Sep 2012 04:36:38 +0200
lee <lee@yun.yagibdah.de> wrote:


> Run a game like X3 and it will easily need more than 3GB.  Have
> seamonkey or another graphical web browser open at the same time and
> that adds about another 1.2GB.  That's another "average requirement".
> Of course, you have a WM of some sort running and emacs, that adds about
> another 500MB --- if you don't use KDE or gnome.  At that point, you're
> swapping a lot already.  Now open gimp, and another 500MB are used
> before you open an image.  I don't even think about doing it, I just do
> it.  It's what I have open most of the time, so that's a "basic
> requirement" and not even an "average requirement".

Your numbers are much too high. With an amd64 install on a Thinkpad T61
with 2GB ram, I'm currently running Xfce4, two different Iceweasel
profiles with many open tabs (although most of the pages have not yet
been loaded into memory, Sylpheed, audacity with a > .5GB file open,
liferea, Xfce terminal (with about ten tabs), and gnucash - and less
than a gigabyte is being used, and the system isn't really hitting swap:

$ free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       2018036    1878056     139980          0       1836     999780
-/+ buffers/cache:     876440    1141596
Swap:      1949692      23180    1926512

Of the two IW profiles, htop shows one using 200MB and the other 252MB
(res), gnucash and liferea around 50 each, audacity 36, sylpheed 23, X
21, xfce terminal 12.


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