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Re: Installation

Am 15.09.2012 um 22:35 schrieb Weaver:

On Sat, September 15, 2012 5:33 am, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
On Sb, 15 sep 12, 04:36:36, Weaver wrote:

Partitioning: Entire disc selected. Separate /home selected.
In my opinion, the third option of separate /usr, /var, /tmp/ / home here
are wasted, as anybody that is going for that sort of option set are
probably going to go for the more fine-grained approach the 'Expert
Install' option caters to.

Agreed. How about a wishlist bug against d-i?

Yes, but at this stage, I'm just looking for opinions.
I don't want to waste developer's time with my imperfections.
People can kill me here before I do any damage.


I always do 'Entire disk' (even for servers) or custom partitioning (e.g. RAID1 with separate /boot, or LVM).

                    Computed Partitions.

/ = 10 GB – Bootable ext3 – I would probably go for a little more than
this, because the newbie appetite wants to try out everything!


Is this a guess or did you actually calculate the installed size?

It's from personal experience.
The other two installs are this one I'm posting on = 2778 installed
packages, which was about 1000 more than that before I pared it down - I
have a lot of font packages and editors for writing.
And a GUI-less system of just over 800 packages.

The truth and my experience is: You never can know.

I remember a desktop installation of Debian where I had to enlarge / usr from 10 GB to 20 GB.

Other current examples of Squeeze:

- test-server without graphical system:

root@test:/# du1
[... some lines snipped ...]
6.7G	./var
107M	./lib
655M	./usr
7.5G	total

- devel-server without graphical system:

root@dev:/# du1
[... some lines snipped ...]
102M	./home
5.6M	./bin
34M	./opt
959M	./usr
137M	./root
20G		./var
4.0M	./sbin
108M	./lib
25M	./etc
21G		total

- plain/fresh Gnome:

3.1G	total

Helmut Wollmersdorfer

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