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Re: Some applications freezing up

Everyone has been
told they are a bad programmer unless they defeat the filesystem
buffer cache by using fsync() everywhere.

So, everyone think we should all go back to the ms-dos world, when each programmer had to know everything about the hardware?

Maybe I should leave my hopes to have a correct job in development...
I wonder if producing craps is really the only solution to live from doing something you like? Seriously, every-time I hear someone winning about the fact he bought crap, the winner is often complaining about crap he did not bought for many money.

I'm starting to think I should be mad, to want a world were non-cheap products are the rule, and are able to be repaired and used for more than 10 years... Is there is someone else, who is less that 30 years old, thinking like me (at least on that point), in western europe? because I'm really startting to think I'm a mad guy, thinking that past items should not just be "recycled" but repaired while they can...

sorry, I'm feeling quite bad actually, and I know I should not put that here... but I'm not in a state were I can really control my thinking. And to be honest, I would be unable to control it more often...

This forces a cache flush
to the drive and everything waits while it is doing so.  If using
'eatmydata' avoids the behavior then you know that is the problem.


Oh, so, maybe I'm not the only one to think that we, software developers, should let kernel programmers do their job, and simply rely on what they give to us? Thanks a lot... because I'm so tired to see dumb structures in softwares, and I'm so young!

I really would like to understand why people think it is a problem to do softwares able to run on lower hardware... if someone have any clue, I really want to know it!

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