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Re: Is there an updates mailing list with change logs?

On 15/12/12 21:52, Steven Ayre wrote:
I use apticron (http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/apticron).
I see one of its dependencies is apt-listchanges.
Its web page (http://packages.debian.org/sid/apt-listchanges) mentions
"When configured as an APT plugin" but I web-surfing doesn't tell me if this is done on installation. I'd like synaptic to present me with a window with the packages in bold followed by a paragraph about the changes between the new version and the one I have installed.

A note indicating what new packages it requires over the previous version (or no longer requires) would be useful too.

I'm hoping a package (or package configuration) does this already, otherwise it's a feature request on Synaptic.

It runs a daily cronjob that does a apt-get update and then emails you if there are any upgrades available. The email includes the recent changeling entries.


On 15 Dec 2012, at 21:28, Philip Ashmore <contact@philipashmore.com <mailto:contact@philipashmore.com>> wrote:

Hi there.

My current work-flow of running synaptic, reloading, marking upgrades, viewing history, cherry-picking updates I'm interested in and viewing the changelogs for each, (or if they fail to download, "gunzip -c xyz/changelog.Debian.gz | less) sucks.

Is there an updates list I can subscribe to so that the updates, complete with the changelog entry for the updates, get mailed to me when they're available.

I realise it's going to depend on their availability on my local mirror, so as an alternative, could it be bundled with the update, or available in semantic along side the history entries.

I'm just brainstorming here - feedback welcome.

Is there a package that does this already?

Philip Ashmore

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Philip Ashmore

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