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Re: Found problem source - BUG or undocumented "feature"? - was[Re: Mounting of USB flash drives - observed strangeness]

On 14-11-2012 21:57, Arno Schuring wrote:
Richard Owlett (rowlett@cloud85.net on 2012-11-14 13:05 -0600):
The source of the discrepancy is whether or not a USB flash
drive is present (for whatever reason) during Debian

If there has been no USB flash drive present during install,
then a labeled device shows up as /media/<device label>  as

Having just done some Wheezy usb installs, I can confirm this for
wheezy. However I'm not sure what solution it is you're looking for
("do not create /media entry points for usb removables detected during
install"?). If you can explain that, perhaps the formulation of the bug
report follows naturally.

While you're at it, you may want to ask why the installer doesn't allow
putting /media on a separate filesystem.


I've done a wheezy uefi usb install and created cdrom -> cdrom0 and usb -> usb0. When plugin in any another usb pen, my case a usb hard drive formated ntfs, had a lot of trouble to access the drive.

I solve it looking at /etc/fstab and deleted the entry that point to usb. Because of that every time i plug that use, it try to mount it like the install usb pen.


PS: Sorry Arno, without looking i press the wrong button and reply directly to you.

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