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Re: Screenshots

On Monday, October 22, 2012 07:23:58 PM lee wrote:

> Frank McCormick <debianlist@videotron.ca> writes:

> > ImageMagicks import commmand seems to work better to select a portion

> > of the page...but it needs a new file name for each shot..which makes

> > it a little awkward.

> >

> > Does anyone have suggestions...perhaps a batch file to rename the

> > files after they've been taken ?


> ,---- [ ~/.fvwm/.fvwm2rc ]


> | Key Print A A Screenshot

> |

> |

> | # Screenshot - using import from ImageMagick

> | # taken from fvwm-crystal

> |

> | DestroyFunc Screenshot

> | AddToFunc Screenshot

> | + I Exec exec mkdir -p $HOME/fvwm/screenshots

> | + I Exec exec import -window root -quality 100

> | $HOME/fvwm/screenshots/screenshot-`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M`.png

> |

> |

> | DestroyFunc Screenshot-Delay

> | AddToFunc Screenshot-Delay

> | + I Exec exec mkdir -p $HOME/fvwm/screenshots

> | + I Exec exec import -pause 10 -window root -quality 100

> | $HOME/fvwm/screenshots/screenshot-`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M`.png

> |

> | DestroyFunc Screenshot-Frame

> | AddToFunc Screenshot-Frame

> | + I Exec exec mkdir -p $HOME/fvwm/screenshots

> | + I Exec exec import -frame -quality 100

> | $HOME/fvwm/screenshots/screenshot-`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M`.png

> |

> |

> | # A little menu...

> | DestroyMenu Screenshot

> | AddToMenu Screenshot

> | + "Screenshot Menu" Title

> | + "Fullscreen" Screenshot

> | + "Delayed fullscreen" Screenshot-Delay

> | + "Frame" Screenshot-Frame


> `----



> You can adjust so you need to select an area, and you can do similar

> with i3 with something like "bindsym $mod+Print exec --no-startup-id

> import ...".


Or, in the traditional UNIX way using pipes and filters, grab a pic of the window, then adjust it:


#! /bin/bash


if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then

echo "Usage: $0 filename"

echo "where 'filename' is the name of the destination PNG filename; '.png'"

echo " will be appended to 'filename'."


echo "Run this script, bring the window you want to save to the front,"

echo "wait for the cursor to change to a big +, and click inside the"

echo "target window. Then use your favorite image editor to crop and"

echo "adjust the image as desired."

exit 1



echo "You have three seconds to bring the target window to the top."

echo "When the cursor changes to a big +, xwd will copy the window you click."


# Wait a few seconds so the target window can be brought to the top

sleep 3


# Now get the sceenshot.

xwd | xwdtopnm | pnmtopng > $1.png



Note that this only works with the visible portion of a window, and is limited to the resolution of your display.


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