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Re: [was: Re: Wally Lepore]

On Tue, 2012-10-16 at 10:44 +0100, Lisi wrote:
> This is turning into a flame

C'mon ;)!

Btw. I hope my subject fit to the needs of both of you.

Everybody subscribed to a mailing list, should use software that is able
to handle all kinds of annoyance.

In Germany we say "Der beweglichere macht platz!"

"The more mobile clears the way for the less mobile!"

This does mean, a young man on his skateboard takes care to clear the
way for the grandma with the wheeled walker, but it also does mean that
the person with more knowledge (agility), takes care about the person
with less knowledge, without air of condescension.

Not to confuse with the idiom "Der Klügere gibt nach!" "The cleverer
give in." because nobody gives in to somebody else.


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