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Re: alsa-base breaks linux-sound-base

On 09/02/2012 06:24 AM, lee wrote:

Andrei POPESCU <andreimpopescu@gmail.com> writes:

On Du, 02 sep 12, 07:44:07, lee wrote:

See below: that would remove linux-sound-base, upgrade 52 packages and
downgrade 148 packages.

I picked a few of the to-be-downgraded packages and all of them were from
sid. Do you want to run sid or wheezy?

Sid is stable?

No. sid is the permanent name of *un*stable. Current stable is named squeeze.

I want to run testing and not stable, and shouldn't the packages in testing
not be newer than the ones in Sid? And if the packages in testing should be
more recent than the ones in stable, then why downgrade them to older

According to my understanding, packages go into sid first, and then get migrated
from there over to testing after a suitable time.

Thus, the newest packages are always in sid. (Or, in some cases, possibly in
experimental; I've never quite gotten the exact function of experimental figured

      The Wanderer

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