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Re: How to install SchoolTool 2.0 on Debian?


Dňa Sat, 18 Aug 2012 11:06:06 +0200 Csanyi Pal <csanyipal@gmail.com>

> So, SchoolTool 2.0 is not installable on Debian testing/sid?

The Ubuntu PPAs are desired for Ubuntu. There are often problems with
dependencies, because Ubuntu grabs the sid repository. You can try to use
the repo for older ubuntu version (i am always confused from their names,
then i cannot suggest any).

In generally, i can to suggest to don't use them, but sometime there are
nice apps packaged.

I am using for this simple solution - i download the source packages
and rebuild them for Debian. Sometime there is needed to tweak (remove)
the versioned build dependencies (because they are useless used),
sometime it works as is and sometime removing versions does not help,
because the versioned dependencies are proper filled :-)

Take look for tools as dget and debuild (devscripts package) for this:

dget -u url_to_dsc_file

this will download and unpack (without verification) the source package in
current dir. Then cd to the unpacked dir and do some version mangle:

dch -l somestring
dch -r

This will change/add package name local suffix and prepare changelog for
release - both are not needed, but useful. You can use the "dch -i"
instead, to add 1 to the debian package version automatically, but i
prefer the local string suffix. Then try build binary package with:

debuild -b

It can fails for more reason, but mostly for missing build dependencies,
inspect them and solve by installing and/or changing/removing dependency
version in the debian/control file.

The result .deb package(s) will be placed in parent dir (../).

I am mostly doing this in /tmp dir, but be careful, it can be cleared upon

good luck :-)

s pozdravom


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