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Re: [OT] IANA ports (was: Filezilla a security risk)


Dňa Sun, 8 Jul 2012 16:10:27 +0000 (UTC) Camaleón <noelamac@gmail.com>

> The "why" is not in your first message but in your second post:
> "if smtps is standardized, then why i see this:"

Oh, yes. My misunderstand, i am sorry.

> >> is not detailed in the RFC (because RFCs are not the place for long
> >> dissertations...) but feel free to read the article or to ignore it.
> > 
> > For me is enough to know that SMTP over SLL was not standardized yet
> > (or still?). Why and when this happens is not my problem in these days.
> SMTPS (and SMTP over SSL/TLS) is standarized as always has been, what 
> happens is that it was updated to use starttls extension and the older 
> RFC was deprecated (but still used in some hosts).

As i wrote early, i know difference and major for me is, that SMTP +
STARTTLS starts as unencrypted, but SMTP over SSL is encrypted from start.
Then STARTTLS s not exactly the same as SMTP over SSL. But credentials and
message transfers are encrypted in both circumstances.

And if i proper understand (quick look into) RFC 6409, then mentioned port
587 is not exactly for SMTP over SSL. It is intended to sending
mails from MUAs and only allows usage of the "IPSEC and other encrypted and
authenticated tunneling techniques" (section 3.3) and in real, one can
select which will be used. Then it is the site/server depended solution. I
am right?



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