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Re: drive labels

On 20120706_105247, cletusjenkins wrote:
> I have several USB external drives. I have them formatted as ext3 and have assigned them labels (via tune2fs -L). All of my labels are made up of letters no numbers, spaces or other special characters. When I connect a drive, it's label is displayed correctly in gnome (on the desktop and when browsing in nautilus), but the devices is mounted as /media/usb0. If I connect another, it will show up in the GUI correctly and it actually gets mounted using the label name (/media/filebackup). Is there a way to get my system to mount the drive with the label instead of usb0?

I add one line to /etc/fstab for each labeled usb external drive like
the following:

LABEL=gflx1 	/media/gflx1	ext3        rw,user,noauto  0       0

And I create the named mount point in /media with:

mkdir /media/gflx1

I have my own system of choosing label values
<mnemonic-letter-group><digits>, but you can create your own
system. (gflx is a contraction of Seagate GoFlex) Don't try to use
labels that are informative of the contents of the drive. You can
easily maintian a text database of <label> <contents>. If you choose
to have the label never change, then the extra work of adding a line
to /etc/fstab is done only once when a new device is originally
acquired and adds very little to the drill of writing and ext3 file
system onto the partition Avoid giving two devices the same LABEL. The
text database is a good aid in this.

Its also a good idea to write the LABEL on a stickum label and place
the stickum label on the device.

Paul E Condon           

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