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[OT] Re: CGI Scripts

On Sun, 01 Jul 2012 17:05:51 -0400, Ethan Rosenberg wrote:

> 1] Where should I put the CGI scripts that I write 

Inside a directory with the right perms and accessable by your web server.

> 2] Where should the Scriptalias be located and what should be its
> structure. 

That's up to the web server admin. The docs of your web server would 
expand this information and provide some tips.

> 3] How should I run my CGI scripts.

By giving the right perms to the files to be run and reading a lot.

> I have searched on Google and cannot find an [understandable] answer.

I really doubt it.

Googling for "cgi+<your web server>" should return thousand of pages, 
documents and tutorials...



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