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Re: why does control-4 generate SIGQUIT in X?

On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 10:57:34PM +0100, Chris Davies wrote:
> Chris Bannister <cbannister@slingshot.co.nz> wrote:
> > Yes, stty quit "" works!!
> That disables SIGQUIT capability from the keyboard entirely, so the more
> usual ^\ also no longer works.

Where are you setting it?

Short version.
start an xterm, type 
stty quit ""<return>
stty -a shows quit as "<UNDEF>"
start another xterm
stty -a shows quit as "^\"

but ctrl-f4 is buggered up entirely :(
see Vincent's post, I think that is what he is referring to.
also see below, for an attempt at describing it.

Slightly longer version.
Curiouser and Curiouser :)

I use startx (no DE, just barebones FVWM)
and in my .xsessionrc I have:

xterm -fn 10x20 -xrm "XTerm.vt100.background: #CCA8AA" -xrm \
  "XTerm.vt100.foreground: blue" -geom 50x25 &
Once X starts, and I type stty quit ""<return> then mutt, ctrl-f4 just
beeps. If I invoke *another* xterm from the menu and just type mutt,
ctrl-f4 quits el pronto. 

If I then type stty quit ""<return> in that other xterm then mutt, 
ctrl-f4 just beeps as expected. If I then invoke another xterm from 
the menu, ctrl-f4 just beeps.

I think this is what Vincent, was referring to; its now buggered up
ctrl-f4. Even a cold restart doesn't bring ctrl-f4 back to quitting. :(

(If I can clear the setting, for ctrl-f4 I can mess around a bit more,
because I can't see the logic in my above test. I'd like to confirm it)

BUT quit is reset back to ctrl-\, on the start of a new xterm 

using "stty -a" shows the settings.

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing." --- Malcolm X

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