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Re: netinst.iso - a "learning experience"- Part 1 grub

Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Sun, 2012-05-06 at 08:30 +0200, an unknown sender wrote:
b. Can I do anything at this point to allow choice to boot

The menu is in /boot/grub/grub.cfg (GRUB 2) or /boot/grub/menu.lst (GRUB
You don't need to know what Windows you have installed, since it's done
by chainloading. This is from my menu.lst:

#title Windows
#rootnoverify (hd0,0)
#chainloader +1

Of cause, you need to uncomment it, IOW remove the "#"s.

If you use GRUB 2, more likely for a default Debian install ;), than
perhaps running "update-grub" with root privileges might add Windows
automatically to grub.cfg. If not, I would recommend to switch to GRUB
Legacy, since for a beginner it's easier to handle. You directly will
edit menu.lst and it's including out-commented examples, such as the
Windows chainload.

- Ralf

Yes I have GRUB2, a default Debian install from netist.iso downloaded yesterday.
update-grub successfully did its thing.

Using Grub Legacy is attractive.
  How complex would the change be?
In the future would an "update" or "upgrade" try to move me back to GRUB2?

I know that part of "advantage" of GRUB2 is handling newer hardware/technology. I would have to check to see if that would be helpful to me in near future.

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