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Re: Partman-Auto - Multi-Disk OR Use Existing Layout via Preseed

Well, that's at least comforting to know that I'm not crazy. :)

I wish there was an easy way to get the partitioner code from FAI into d-i. They use parted on the backend as well, but their syntax is a lot simpler, and supports multiple disks. I just can't bring myself to go the whole FAI route just because partitioning doesn't work the way I'd like. I am going to try something hacky but not that bad, and see if I can get this to work:

Explicitly say the volume group for sysvg is 10GBs. Define the LVs inside there. Define an additional unused partition to fill the disk.

In post, remove the extra partition from sdb, copy everything in /boot to /dev/sda1, and reinstall grub. That should work.

On 04/26/2012 08:50 AM, Tom H wrote:

The only, somewhat unhelpful, thing that I can contribute is that I've
only been able to use two disks with pressed when creating an mdraid
array. It hasn't worked for me either to add a second PV (even though
the "device{ }" value is specifically mentioned in the LVM section of
the documentation) or to have "/usr" and/or "/var" on a second disk.

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