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Re: Authentication issues trying to log onto a box as a standard user, and cron jobs...

Adam Mercer wrote:
> I am trying to connect to a squeeze VM as a standard user using ssh
> keys, whenever I try to ssh into the box the connection is closed by
> the VM:
> ram@g5:~$ ssh -v lal-squeeze

Unfortunately this information is rarely useful.  It is the *server*
side of the messages that are interesting not the client side.

> I can log onto the box as root.

Good.  Can you log in as the non-root user?

> Next when I su to a user account I receive the following:
> root@lal-squeeze:~# su -l laltest
> su: Authentication failure
> (Ignored)
> laltest@lal-squeeze:~$
> so something is clearly wrong and I imagine this authentication issue
> may be related to the inability to log on as a user.

Yes.  Stop all other lines of debugging and focus on this issue.  Why
is there an error there?  Can you log in as that user?

  laltest@lal-squeeze:~$ su -l laltest

If not then why not?  Start debugging there.

> Also I have a cron job scheduled, via crontab, to run at 21:01
> everyday. It fails to run and the only reference to this I can find in
> the logs is the following:
> Apr  8 21:01:01 lal-squeeze CRON[14107]: Authentication failure
> So I imagine that this is a different manifestation of the same problem.

Everything points to the same problem.  Debug it first.

> Any recommendations on how to debug this issue?

Look in /var/log/syslog for messages.  Look in /var/log/auth.log for

This reads almost like a permission problem.  One of the programs that
should be suid-root has had the suid-bit removed or something.  I am
not saying that it is.  The error messages in the logs should help.
If you can remember what has happened to the VM between when it was
working and now that it isn't may also be a good clue.


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