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Re: wheezy: problems installing tex-live

On Mi, 28 mar 12, 12:23:25, Kjetil brinchmann Halvorsen wrote:
> Thanks! but what I really want is to pin
> r-base-*,r-cran-* etc
> to always come from unstable. How can I augment /etc/apt/preferences
> to do that?

Based on examples from 'man apt_preferences' (untested):

Package: r-base-*
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: <same-as-wheezy>

- from a quick reading of the man page it seems to be possible to put 
  all patterns space-separated in the Package: field, otherwise just 
  write one stanza for each pattern
- replace <same-as-wheezy> with the priority for wheezy (650 in your 
  current setup, 990 if you go by my suggestion)
- do check the pin(s) with 'apt-cache policy' and
  'apt-cache policy <packagename>' before doing any installation/upgrade

Hope this helps,
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