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Re: Query about hard drive partitions maintenance

On Mi, 21 mar 12, 16:29:45, Camaleón wrote:
> For static mount points, this is usually done/set in "/etc/fstab". You 
> basically need two things:
> - Set the right permission options for the mount point so users can read/
> write/whatever
> - Create a mount point in your system with the right permissions

From Linux' point of view this is not correct:

# umount /home/amp/big 
# ls -ld /home/amp/big
drwx------ 2 root root 4096 mai 16  2011 /home/amp/big
# mount /dev/sda6 /home/amp/big
# ls -l /home/amp/big
total 16
drwxrwxr-x  6 amp  amp    67 mai 22  2010 burn
drwx------  3 amp  amp  4096 feb  4 12:06 image
drw-------  2 root root    6 nov  7 16:36 lost+found

As you can see, the permissions of the mount point have no influence on 
the permissions of the files on the partition. This is true for about 
any filesystem that is more or less native to Linux (ext*, xfs, etc.).

You can set permissions via mount options (and fstab) for fat and ntfs, 
but just because they don't support Unix style permissions.

Please tell us more about the filesystem on the partition (and mount 
options used) and who should have read and/or write access to it.

Kind regards,
P.S. I just figured, if it is likely that the filesystem is not 
accessible sometimes (e.g. removable drive) it might be a good idea to 
remove write permissions from the mountpoint so that you get an error 
instead of writing files to the partition holding that mountpoint and 
then wondering where your files are gone when the filesystem is properly 
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