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Encrypted LVM and failed message

Hi everyone,
i' m a new debian user and subscriber to this mailing list.
I'd have one or two questions about some weird messages.
I installed debian with 'expert install', made an encrypted volume (LUKS-crypt) which requires a passphrase in which subsequently i put an LVM physical volume which cointains some logical volume (root,swap,home).
The LVM volume is called harpsiPool and contains harpsiRoot,harpsiHome and harpsiSwap.
Every time I START the system, just before the prompt for passphrase, there are some complaints about the / filesystem: something like "Cannot find harpsiRoot volume" and also mobprobe: unix module not found. So it complains about missing root volume, but is wrapped by the encrypted volume so it should be normal not to have / mounted before inserting the passphrase.. or not? 
However, after inserting the passphrase, everything goes ok and the rest works perfectly.
Otherside, every time i STOP the system, there is a fail: stopping early crypto disks failed.
Are this two issues related? Are my data safe in this double wrapped container (encrypted->lvm->logical volume->data)?
Thank you very much,

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