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Re: Removing hardware identifiers from an existing installation (esp. Grub2)

On 21 February 2012 21:07, Tom H <tomh0665@gmail.com> wrote:
Never having used Emdebian, I can only give some Debian answers and
they'll hopefully be usable.

In this case yes, mostly my particular installation is just Debian with documentation and certain other files scrubbed from the packages.
For filesystem UUIDs, I wouldn't use "GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID="true"".
I'd change the new flash card's UUIDs with tune2fs and mkswap to match
the copied/cloned "/etc/fstab".

I didn't realise you could do this! Much neater.
For NIC MAC addresses, you have to delete
"/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules" and it'll be recreated
with a reboot or with "echo add > /sys/class/net/eth0/uevent".

I noticed that some of the hooks they use in live-build do this, so I'll work on adapting those.
If your original has a fixed IP address, ...

No, but there are various packages (resolvconf, wicd), which when properly configured, can take care of that.
You can also change the hostname but you don't need to do so.

At what point in the boot process is it assigned? I could write a script to change it to "some_basename-some_random_ID" upon boot.


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