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Re: System hangs due to NFS share

On 24. 01. 12 09:28, Scott Ferguson wrote:
On 24/01/12 18:50, Sylvain wrote:
I tried to SIGKILL the [nfsiod] process but it didn't get killed. I
also tried to kill the various rpcbind processes but it didn't change

I also tried autofs as Scott suggested, but the same problem occured
when I unplugged the network cable (most of the system hangs, can't
reboot nor halt). Here's how I configured autofs:

bazinga -retry=1,rw,hard,size=8192,wsize=8192

/misc   /etc/auto.misc --timeout 20

Here's what I found in the syslog:

Jan 23 22:59:17 cid kernel: [  510.944160] nfs: server not responding, still trying
Jan 23 23:01:22 cid kernel: [  635.616161] nfs: server not responding, still trying
Jan 23 23:01:46 cid sm-notify[841]: DNS resolution of Bazinga.local failed; retrying later
Jan 23 23:03:51 cid sm-notify[841]: DNS resolution of Bazinga.local failed; retrying later
Jan 23 23:05:56 cid sm-notify[841]: DNS resolution of Bazinga.local failed; retrying later
Jan 23 23:07:56 cid sm-notify[841]: Unable to notify Bazinga.local, giving up

I'm not sure why it's trying to resolve the "bazinga.local" name, and
even when it gave up with the resolution, it didn't unfreeze anything.
Also nfs seems to be still trying to reach the server (the cable was
unplugged at 22:56).

Thanks for your help,

What do you have in /etc/hosts?

Just the usual stuff:       localhost       cid.localdomain cid

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

On 24. 01. 12 09:28, Tom H wrote:
It's avahi that's trying to resolve "Bazinga" through "Bazinga.local".

Is Bazinga the hostname of

Did ifs quit after avahi failed?

No, nfs didn't quit after avahi failed (the nfsiod process is still here). Also I don't know the hostname of, because it's just a NAS box on which I don't have any control.


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