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Re: Dvorak Keyboards.

On 01/07/2012 08:27 PM, green wrote:
Aaron Toponce wrote at 2012-01-07 17:38 -0600:
On Sat, Jan 07, 2012 at 05:35:39PM -0600, green wrote:
Aaron Toponce wrote at 2012-01-07 17:15 -0600:
Personally, I don't understand why there are any characters printed on the
keys to begin with.
I type fairly well with the Dvorak, but I *do* like the keys to be properly
labeled.  Why?  Because I occasionally hit a key or shortcut with one hand
while the other is using the mouse.  Or perhaps type something in with one
hand while holding a notebook with the other.  Etcetera.
There is nothing preventing you from still looking at the keyboard, and
clearly identifying where the key is located that you want to hit, even
when the keys are blank. Piano players do this all the time.
I know where the keys are when my hands are in their proper positions, but I
can not type the Dvorak 'k' (for example), with my right index finger without
a labeled key (with consistent accuracy, across the various keys).  And I
play the piano but that is totally different (in my opinion).
I haven't used the Dvorak k/b, but I have been typing since high school,
where I took "academic typing."  This was taught on unmarked keyboards.
Nevertheless, I still look at the keys on occasion, especially for the
various characters above the numbers, and the various symbols at the
right of the k/b.  Just my 2¢.
BTW:  I strongly recommend that all school students take typing--
the skill has served me well over the past 60 years!
BTW2: I also play piano, and I agree--the two keyboards are not at
all similar!


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