help rebuilding RAID 5
I have a software RAID 5 consisting of 5 disks. One of the disks (sdc) failed and could no longer be recognized by the BIOS. I replaced it with a new disk and while the array was rebuilding, another disk (sdd) experienced a read error, which caused the disk to be reset and the array to be taken down. I was able to determine that disk sdd has bad block, which when read, brings down the rest of the array. I am able to assemble the array in a degraded state without sdc, so as of yet I have not lost any data (other than the bad block), but I need to be able to rebuild the array using sdc before I can replace sdd.
What I have tried:
The first thing I think I need to take care of is the bad block on sdd, so I cloned sdd onto another disk using ddrescue and plugged the sdd sata cable into the clone and tried to assemble the array using "mdadm --assemble --force /dev/md1". This does not work. mdadm assigned the sdd clone as a spare and says it doesn't have enough disks available. If I connect back to the original sdd I can assemble the array, degraded, but functioning. So mdadm doesn't accept those two disks as the same.
Help, please.
Chris Purves
"You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body." - C. S. Lewis
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