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Re: CA Issues

Paddy Tollan <ptollan@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi this is the contents of the file openssl.cnf as I have typed it [...]

OK. I've copied and pasted what you've posted here, and followed the
summary at http://www.eclectica.ca/howto/ssl-cert-howto.php#summy and
I cannot get it to fail in the way that you described:

    mkdir /root/CA
    cd /root/CA
    cat >openssl.cnf    # Copied and pasted from your message

    mkdir newcerts private
    echo '01' >serial
    touch index.txt
    openssl req -new -x509 -extensions v3_ca -keyout private/cakey.pem -out cacert.pem -days 365 -config ./openssl.cnf
    openssl req -new -nodes -out req.pem -config ./openssl.cnf
    openssl ca -out cert.pem -config ./openssl.cnf -infiles req.pem
    # Error "commonName field needed to be supplied and was missing"

The error was expected, due to having omitted the mandatory commonName
field (which is really most of what these certificates are all about).

At every point where I was required to enter something, I just hit
[Enter]. The exception to this is for the CA password, for which I used
a trivial word.

Can you reproduce this, or do you still get your original error as described?


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