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Why has kismet different GUI between amd64 and i386?

Hi folks, 

I am just wondering, why kismet (the famous wireless sniffer) has got a 
different surface between 64-bit (Acer notebook) and 32-bit (EEEPC). 

I checked, on both systems the configs are identically. There are no user-
specific configurations existent. Both kismet versions are started as root.

Personally I prefer the one of my EEEPC, which has got no drop-down menues, 
but the use og hotkeys. For example, Type "h" gives a window, where I can set 
other settings just by typing a letter (for example "b" or "i"or whatever).

At my 64-bit system the GUI looks different. In this surface I get pulldown-
mnues for example in the left upper side I find "Kismet", where settings can be 
done. I suppose, this is the surface you will know more. I think, the other 
one is the older one.

Does someone know, how I can change this to the "older" one? 

Thank you very much!

Best regards



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