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qemu port forward host -> guest: unable to get network access


I want to start a virtual machine and be able to connect to it from the host. Reading the qemu manual, I found I have to use "-net nic" to choose both NIC MAC and model and "-net user" in order to define port forwards from host to guest.

I want to forward ports (tcp) this way:
  host:2564 -> guest:564
  host:2567 -> guest:567

I have a real DHCP server on the network and have associated mac=00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff to IP I'd like the guest to ask the real DHCP server to get its IP ( Now, I'm missing something because things do not work at all and I don't know how to tell qemu to use the real DHCP instead of its built-in one. The guest doesn't have network access with:

  qemu -k fr -m 1G -vga std -hda plan9.disk -hdb venti.disk \
       -net nic,macaddr=00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff,model=rtl8139 \
       -net user,hostfwd=tcp::2564-, \

Can I use the real DCHP this way or do I have to set up a tap device? This is kown to require qemu to run as root/sudo, sounds ugly to me.

Thanks for your welcoming advices,

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