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Re: cannot resolve hostname

On 07/05/11 14:50, Camaleón wrote:
On Sat, 07 May 2011 14:14:39 +0100, AG wrote:

In what seems to be a string of related issues having to do with
networking, I now find that not only has my IP address been changed from to but also that my machine's name (valhalla)
cannot be resolved.

This is the output of ifconfig:
$ sudo ifconfig
sudo: unable to resolve host valhalla


First, resolve your network layout by either using a dynamic setup (your
IP address could change on every reboot) or by using a static


Then, review your "/etc/hosts" file.

Do you see the same error if you run "/sbin/ifconfig", that is, using not
"sudo" at all?



OK - I want to use a static IP address (easier for a simpleton like me to configure the printer client machine to see it). The IP address I have customarily used is and that is what is in my /etc/hosts file: localhost valhalla.org

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

(I don't know what all the IPv6 references are, but I assume that I can safely ignore those).

When I run /sbin/ifconfig then I don't get the error message about unable to resolve hostname, but I do get that my IP address is now

Personally I don't care if the IP address is *.40 or *.64, but I do want it to stay static and I do want to be able to access the Net when I reboot.

So, I have just done the following:

(1) I altered the /etc/hosts IP address to *.64
(2) ensured that the /etc/network/interface file read "static" rather than dhcp
(3) rebooted

When the machine came back on, I was (yet again) unable to access the Net and the only way that I was able to do so was to use Brian's fix #dhclient eth0 which, when checking the /sbin/ifconfig output again shows that the IP address has been made *.64

The hostname is still unresolvable and it seems that I am destined to have to use dhcp when I really don't want to do so ... and yet if I don't I am stuck not being connected. This is rapidly spiralling into a farce and I am still no further ahead than I was, except that I have a partial fix to implement everytime I reboot and hope that the client can find the printer server IP address okay.

Perhaps I am being really thick about all of this, but I am very confused about why - in all of the times I have used and installed Debian - this has just started to occur.

I am really grateful of any clear ideas or strategies about how to fix this.



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