Re: gpg: copying secret key
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Camaleón wrote:
> I'm not sure to have correctly understood your goal... basically you want
> to use one key (same passphrase) for two users? If yes, do you think
> doing that is a good idea? User A and B being different in real life will
> become the same to all effects at GPG level and they'll can impersonate
> each other.
Actually A and B are the same person, namely me. A has files which I
don't care who sees; all files in B are in encrypted folders which
anybody who cracks the A directories and files does not know the
existence (I hope) of user B.
> Just thinking loud... couldn't you just export/import the key on the
> desired computer? Most of the DE have utilities to manage that (Keoplatra
> in KDE and Seahorse in GNOME) :-?
In fact I was able to solve the problem myself. After I sent my
original post, I googled further and found out how to save the secret
key and then to import and add to the secret keyring of both users A and
B. Then by assigning to the secret key in both users with the
"ultimate" trust level -- after all I created them -- I was able to use
them to decrypt files as user B in computer Q files encrypted by user A
on computer P. After all the imports were finished I shredded the .asc
file containing the private key.
The URL returned by Google which pointed me in the right direction was
Thanks anyway for your response.
Regards, Ken Heard
Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
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