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Re: OpenOffice.org - how to install additional languages?

On Sunday 03 April 2011 13:01:42 Camaleón wrote:
> > And what about English English??  
> "English English"? You mean "British English" (en-GB)? :-)

No.  I mean English English.  You try telling a Scot that English is the same 
thing as Scots!

You are, however, slightly confused. ;-)  England, Great Britain and United 
Kingdom are all different things. You mention UK and GB as though they are 
the same thing as each other and as England!!  And there is no such thing as 
UK English.  Glaswegians and those from Belfast are both equally 
incomprehensible to me.

The United Kingdom is a political entity and comprises four nations.  Hence 
the term "United" in the name.  The geographical entity of Great Britain 
houses three nations, the English, the Welsh and the Scots.  The countries 
are respectively called England, Wales and Scotland.  The fourth member of 
the united Kingdom, Northern Ireland, is not in Great Britain.  It is on the 
island of Ireland.


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