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Re: Maximum size of temporary files

"Boyd Stephen Smith Jr." <bss@iguanasuicide.net> writes:

> In <[🔎] 878vyoepsy.fsf@gmail.com>, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>>It seems that the maximum size of internet temporary files on my Debian
>>Lenny system is 5.5MB.  How can I enlarge it at my pleasure?
> Which browser?  What have you tried?  What tools / techniques are you using
> to collect the data for your assertion?
> How you know how to ask smart questions?  
> <http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html>

All right, I didn't want to be prolix.  This happens when I try to catch a
streaming video from internet.  On my system, while the video is running from
the web, it is stored in the directory ~/.mozilla/firefox/<garbage>/Cache.
After it's all stored, I collect it from there and `mv' it at my pleasure.
Now, usually when the file reaches 5.5MB, a new file is created in /tmp and the
loading continues there.  So the video gets broken into small pieces that I
have to search for here and there, which is uncomfortable.  That's why I want
to know how to get rid of that limit of 5.5MB.

Thanks for any help

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