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Re: Sound recording in Debian Lenny

On Wed, Jan 05, 2011 at 03:44:20PM +0000, Lisi wrote:
> I am after something from never-never land, but I live in hopes.
> I need a sound recorder, and would prefer that it be in Debian Lenny, but a 
> dual-boot would be possible.  It must fulfil the following criteria:
> 1) Be managed by someone who knows a little bit about Linux, less about Debian 
> and absolutely zilch about sound recording and balancing etc.
> 2) Ideally, usable by someone who knows even less about computers and sound 
> recording, but can use this package without too active a helping hand.
When I really need to dumb things down for users, I often make my own
bash script to do it.  Maybe something like this would work for you:


echo "About to start recording.  Hit Ctrl-C to stop."
arecord myfile.wav
echo "Recording saved as myfile.wav -- be sure to rename it to something

You can create a launcher/shortcut to run it in a terminal, or you can
pretty it up with zenity, xdialog, or KDE's equivalent.


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