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Re: Any kmail filtering advice?

Steve McCarthy <newsdebian@jetcity.org> wrote:
> Sorry I wasn't clearer.  I believe the distinction is: SPAM is unsolicited 
> whereas junk is solicited but unwanted at the present time.  Stores you 
> patronize or causes you support will all send you email which you may or 
> may not want to read right now.  Just like junk snail mail, usually its 
> tossed unopened,  but occasionally you're interested (or bored) enough to 
> read it.

Thunderbird doesn't make this distinction. Junk is spam and spam is junk.

Perhaps your (or your girlfriend's) terminology is at odds with the
people who created Thunderbird, KMail, etc.

It is quite possible to have this kind of split (in fact, it's a
simplification of what I use myself):

- Get rid of Spam (junk) into the Spam/Junk folder
- Keep emails from known shops and other mailing lists out of the Inbox
- Keep friends' emails in Inbox
- Keep unknown but probably not Spam (junk) email in the Inbox

To do this is straightforward if somewhat fiddly.

- Enable junk/spam processing (I assume KMail can do this)
- Create a filter for each of the known shops and mailing lists


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