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Re: Running a program when computer enters/exits idle state

Klistvud <quotations@aliceadsl.fr> writes:

> Dne, 02. 06. 2010 18:56:48 je Carl Johnson napisal(a):
>> used.  You also might want to look at the 'conservative' governor.  It
>> will decrease speed slower, but it also increases speed slower.
> I tried it out and on my system it actually performs even worse than  
> the ondemand governor: the CPU virtually never leaves its lowest clock  
> ... Thanx for the suggestion, though. I'll keep trying.

I just thought of another way to improve the ondemand driver
slightly.  There is a file called up_threshold in the
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/ directory.  This file
defaults to 80 meaning that the cpu use was 80% over the last time
period.  This is high enough that it will usually require more than
one time period to reach this.  If you set it to something like 40%
then it will often reach it in less than one time period.  I am
assuming that you have already set the sampling_rate to
sampling_rate_min.  You should only need to set these at boot, so they
could go in /etc/rc.local or /etc/sysfs.conf (sysfsutils package).
Carl Johnson		carlj@peak.org

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