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Re: Best home media center in Lenny repos?

Klistvud schreef:
Dne, 02. 06. 2010 10:53:57 je Klistvud napisal(a):
According to http://technomosh.blogspot.com/2009/08/media-center-connectivity-with-nokia.html elisa has no connectivity with Nokia phones? Does that still hold true?

Well, to answer to myself (since nobody else will): elisa requires 3d hardware acceleration to work, so it won't even start on my current Lenny system (backported kernel, ergo no fglrx, ergo no acceleration).
Why don't you compile fglrx for your kernel. Just get the source, do a m-a prepare; m-a a-i fglrx; modprobe fglrx; I'm not exactly sure if that's what you need to do for an fglrx card, but it works for my nvidia. Else, you can also go to the ati-site, download their installer and install the module the non-debian way. An advantage of these drivers might be that eg. hw-accelerated h264 is supported.


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