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Re: emacs22-nox emacs23-nox how to run with X and without X on same machine?

On 2010-05-13 00:13:15 -0400, Mitchell Laks wrote:
> How can I get to use both emacs23-nox and emacs with gtk BOTH on the
> same machine, sometimes with X and sometimes without?

Hi Mitchell,

If you want to use Emacs with the GUI interface sometimes, you can
safely ignore the emacs23-nox package. You don't need to have both
emacs23 and emacs23-nox installed.

emacs23 - includes both the GUI version and the text-mode version.
emacs23-nox - has had all the GUI stuff stripped out.

Here's how I like to use Emacs, so it can be used in both GUI and
text-mode at the same time. First, I start Emacs in daemon mode:

    emacs --daemon

Then I use emacsclient to open files from the command line or
from a file manager.

    emacsclient myfile.txt -c
    emacsclient myfile.txt -t

Using the -c option, the file will be opened in a GUI window.
Using the -t option, the file will be opened in text mode.

Hope this helps,


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