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Re: debian squeeze tmp directory no space left

Johan Grönqvist put forth on 2/27/2010 1:05 AM:

>  I believe the installer allows and recommends reserving some space for
> the root user on partitions. The intention is that a user should not be
> able to make the system unbootable by filling the disk.

It's not the installer that dose this.  It's the default operating mode of
mke2fs.  When creating an ext2/3 filesystem, the default space reserved for
the super user is 5% of the filesystem blocks.  It can be overridden with
the "-m" switch:

-m reserved-blocks-percentage

Specify the percentage of the filesystem blocks reserved for  the
super-user.   This  avoids  fragmentation,  and allows  root-owned daemons,
 such as syslogd(8), to continue to function correctly after non-privileged
processes are prevented from writing to the filesystem.  The default
percentage is 5%.

This is why the OP is able to write as root but not as a regular user.

> Your symptoms are what I would expect if the device has filled the
> non-reserved space, and only the root-reserved space is left.

This does sound like the problem.  However, attempting to identify the
remaining filesystem space available to the super user is pointless.  This
is painfully obvious.

The solution to this problem, as I stated in my first response to this
thread, is to identify what application/daemon/bug/etc is filling this
filesystem to capacity in the first place.

No offense intended, but it sounds like some basic sysadmin skills are
lacking.  Unneeded old log files should be deleted, as well as any junk left
in /tmp.  User home directories should be pruned of unneeded excess files.
Acting as a PTP service node can fill up a partition pretty quickly, no?


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