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Re: Why is troubleshooting Linux so hard?

Steve Kemp wrote:
On Mon Nov 15, 2010 at 13:51:55 -0500, Borden Rhodes wrote:

What would it take to get some error message standards in place so that
troubleshooting Linux is possible for those of us who aren't computer
science PhD candidates?
   1.  Make a list of all the programs which exist, but which do not
      log "useful" information.

   2.  Persuade every single one of them that your suggestion to add
      "useful" logging information is a good one.

   3.  Wait for them all to update.

   This is the problem - There is no single place this change could
  be made.  Even if it were in KDE and all KDE applications go it you'd
  be missing other things such as sudo, screen, less, GNOME, etc.

   You suggest "troubleshooting linux", but what you really mean (I
  guess) is troubleshooting any available program which just happens
  to run upon Linux systems (and possibly others).
Actually, that does suggest a policy-level, or perhaps kernel-level approach -- creating a stronger framework for logging, error-reporting, tracebacks, etc. The further upstream that's implemented, the more likely developers are to utilize well-defined and well-supported hooks.

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In<fnord>  practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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