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Re: failure of gnome baker

Francesco Pietra wrote:
In my updated debian i386 sqeeze/gnome and debian amd64 lenny/gnome i
have no more workable cd-dvd burners. Gnome-baker reports burning (CD
data disk) OK, however the CD is unreadable. In contrast, k3b works
fine for both CD and DVD data disks. However, installation of k3b

apt-get update
apt-get install k3b

brought other problems in:

--command "k3b" also started the  viewer VMD, which had to be closed
twice in order that k3b could be used.

--On restarting the computer, gnome could no more be called and a
RedHat window was brought in instead.

I liked gnome for years, and I use certain gnome-specific scientific
applications, such as GChempain. However I notice now that KDE has a
much more versatile burner (k3b), even if gnome baker could be used.
Also the pdf viewer "okular" (better that Adobe for certain scientific
uses) is part of KDE and alleviated from having to install Adobe. I
believe that gnome developers should consider these observations.
Lukily, okular can be used without problems even in gnome.

I use k3b in gnome under squeeze because it has features I need at times. You'll need to install a whack of kde depends along with it if you don't have something kde installed already but it works, at least for me. I have a few kde apps installed that I can't find gnome equivalents for and they work well.

I've often thought that gnome could use a better or more full featured burning app. I rarely burn cd's any more so brasero may be a solution to but I haven't needed to use it so I can't say from experience.

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