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Re: Garbled PDF: missing fonts?

On Mon, 27 Sep 2010 15:51 -0500 Kumar Appaiah wrote:
> I have a problem opening the following PDF:
> http://www.wiley-vch.de/berlin/journals/phiuz/07-04/Weizsaecker-Interview-Weblayout.pdf
> All PDF viewers on Debian seem to produce garbled output. Am I missing
> some fonts, or is there something else amiss?

If you open this pdf with evince, and have a look at
File > Properties > tab 'Fonts', then you will see that all fonts
except SymbolMT are 'not embedded', which means that they are missing
from the pdf. A good pdf should contain the used fonts, so it is
clearly at fault here.

If you open the pdf with Adobe Reader, and have a look at
File > Properties > tab 'Fonts', then you see that Adobe Reader
replaces the missing fonts with other fonts that it apparently carries
with it. Notably, the main text font, which is Garamond, is replaced
with 'Adobe Serif MM', and although it looks fine, it differs from the
original font.

Installing msttcorefonts does not help here, because it does not
contain the Garamond font. AFAICT Garamond is part of W2000 and XP.

One option would be to get the Garamond font (three .ttf files) from
some Windows installation and install it, e.g. just by putting it into
~/.fonts . I see that evince shows the text just fine then.

Another option would be to install texlive-fonts-extra, which also
contains the Garamond font. However, if you don't have texlive
installed, it takes hundreds of MBs of dependencies with it....

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