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Re: loose access control that works for dynamic IP address

On 27/09/10 19:47, Zhang Weiwu wrote:
> On 2010年09月27日 16:54, Scott Ferguson wrote:
>> Would dyn-dns help?
> ahhh, yes. This is exactly what I used. I know how to get dynamic dns
> running, but need a way to control access to it.
> Here I re-ask the question in plain language and an improvised example:
>     I have computer A that runs a website. I only want
>     myhost.dyn-dns.com to be able to access this website, others who
>     want to access the website should get denied. How do I configure
>     computer A?

Ah, that indeed is the question. The exact one I happened to be working
on when you posted. The partial solution I've come up with so far
doesn't leave me satisfied - I want (as you) to restrict http (and
https) access to that routed through a dyn.dns site - I'm suspecting
that I need some sort of forwarding rule at the firewall but I haven't
gotten around to working out what.

In my case it's for (Debian) vm appliances which will be deployed on
client machines - where they could conceivably be (partially) DOSed
because they'll be running on <fnord>Windoof LANs. Not a lot of
bandwidth or resources to begin with, on a possibly noisy network - and
that's on the green side of the outer firewall :-(

Something I'll have a think about after dinner.

Please keep me posted as to your results.


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